"MORE ROBOCOP" isn't just the tattoo on my forehead -- it's the saying I live by! I recently got the director's cut of Robocop. Rated X by 1980's standards, it was pretty tame, but still it was MORE ROBOCOP. And I love MORE ROBOCOP.
I am a little against 3D in Flash -- a LITTLE against -- when it's used extensively like in this animation. I feel like it's "cheating", but maybe I'm just jealous... It looks rad though!
The simple yet effective shadows of the bad guys were nice. Though some bad guys, like the silhouettes that run by in the foreground at the beginning, we very pixely... what up with that?
Also, was ol' Robo ever THAT action packed in the movies? This was more Robo-Matrix-Cop, with spins and an overly-dynamic camera. Not a complaint, just a thought.
Muzzle flashes were very effective and very innovative -- I've never seen them animated that way. Also, sparks flying off of Robocop's hot bod were a plus.
Shit, what else... My favorite flash movies are ones that make me say, "How'd they do that?" But when I see something like the stretching light symbol come out of the helicopter, I know it was easily done. Not to get all high and mighty! Shit, my animations look like a 2 year old did them! But I think you are capable of making a better looking spotlight. And why did I spend time on writing a paragraph about spotlights??? Oh yeah, the whisky...
That being said, you lose points for one thing:
*** NO ED 209 ***
What were you thinking?!? ED209 is the bread and butter of Robocop! (Let's just forget about those sequels! What the fuck were they thinking when they made Robocop 3?!?)
Anyway, best of luck on any future Robocop projects. I look forward to seeing them. They are already better than the god awful TV series.