Just as bad as they are.
You've done to Kurama1 and the_healing_version what they've done to Bassclock. That's such a presidential way to solve this problem. You portay the two aforementioned people as imbred morons who wear "I Heart COCK" and "Fags R Me!" clothing. Well NATURALLY, of course, because gay people are evil, just like those damned ragheads and coons! (I hope you see my sarcasm.)
And yes, this all may be a condradiction of what I'm preaching, but there's no need to worry about immature kids hiding behind the internet's blessed anonymity. I mean, look at Kumara1's profile. It's no surprise he's a 13-year-old who says his job is "Dinosaur" because he's too timid to say "My mommy gives me allowance". the_healing_15_year_old begs to be banned and lists a favorite film as "freedy got fingerd".
All they want attention, and you gave it to them.
I sound like a god damn parent.
But I guess the animation was good for being made in a couple hours. My last submission was months ago and I still haven't gotten around to finish my next piece. Where it's due, where it's due...